Our dumpster rental service is quick, easy, and affordable. With our smaller-sized dumpsters, we can put them exactly where you need them, so that you don’t have to feel limited to taking up space on your driveway or street. This service is ideal for DIY-ers!

How Dumpster Rental Works:

  1. Request a dumpster online or by phone at (913) 548-1993
  2. Pay over the phone or at drop off.
  3. We deliver it exactly how you want it.
  4. You fill it up.
  5. We pick it up.

15 Cubic Yards

Our Dumpster Rental Sizes

Holds up to 6 truck-loads
Weight Limit 2 tons


13 ft long • 4.5 ft tall • 8 ft wide


$325 / 2 days

$365 / week

Live load starting at $325

20 Cubic Yards

Our Dumpster Rental Sizes

Holds up to 8 truck-loads
Weight Limit 2 tons


13 ft long • 6 ft tall • 8 ft wide 


$375 / 2 days

$415 / week

Live load starting at $375

Dumpster Rental Service Areas

Dumpster Rental Benefits

A dumpster will come in handy whether you’re organizing your home, starting a sizable project, or everything in between. You might not even be aware of the type of garbage you’ll be disposing of, making it simple to forget or underestimate how much waste you’ll need to carry away.

It can be handled by a dumpster, so you don’t have to worry. Throw the old couch in the trash and move on, don’t worry about making plans to get rid of it! Do you have a lot of construction debris with protruding sharp nails, screws, and splinters? No issue! All of it can be thrown away for you via a dumpster. If things get challenging while working on your project, certain dumpster rental businesses may even help with hazardous trash removal.